Dear Utah School Nurses,
I am thrilled to take my turn as your valiant leader for this upcoming 24-25 school year.
Because we each have unique challenges, I wanted to pick a theme that we could all get behind. I’ve chosen the theme, “One Percent Better”.
Can this 1% better approach to tackling our goals really work? An acclaimed author, James Clear says, this strategy of trying to be 1% better every day puts the math squarely in our favor. He maintains that “habits are the ‘compound interest of self-improvement.’ If you can get just one percent better at something each day, by the end of a year … you will be 37 times better.”
I challenge each of us to take a personal goal, pledge to work a little harder at it every day and see how your 1% better will compound over this next year. You can do this!
Please reach out to me anytime with USNA questions or suggestions. We, on the USNA board, are here to help and serve you. I look forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Sarah Timpson, BSN RN